
Exhbition Posters
Layout design by EYEOFBRC

In September 2023, an exhibition at the ÖGB venue during Wienwoche Art Festival continued the exploration initiated by the First Batch project.

This exhibition focused on Filipino nurses who opened the wave of Filipino migration in Austria and Filipino diaspora experiences.

It featured a visual installation that incorporated the same projection as the initial "First Batch" exhibition, along with a photo exhibition.

This combined presentation aimed to illuminate the stories of Filipino migrants and underscore their significance within the Filipino diaspora community.

The showcase provided a platform for young Filipinos to connect with their cultural heritage and encourage critical thinking.
Directed, Curated by Chelsea Amada
Photographs by Chelsea & Cesar Amada, Ryan Noel, and EYEOFBRC.
Art Direction by EYEOFBRC
Concept & Planing Kimberly Krox
Contextual Copywriter Ryan Noel, Chelsea Amada
Management Barima A.

Copyright by eSeLSCHWARM Ozelot
(Joanna Pianka)