First Batch 


© by Rob Detoyato, Kimberly Javier, Ana A Phàr 

The exhibition, hosted at the Hotel am Brillantengrund, recreates a Filipino nurse's dormitory room from the 1970s and 1980s, complete with Filipino mementos, souvenirs, and furniture from that era, creating an atmosphere rich in nostalgia.

It features a photo exhibition and includes a projection within a vintage tube TV, offering insights into the perspective of the interviewees - watch Video

Notably, during the vernissage, a captivating panel discussion took place, bringing together second-generation Filipinos to share their experiences as the offspring of the first-generation Filipino nurses. This discussion prominently featured the narrative of one of the pioneering Filipino nurses showcased in the exhibition. This exhibition was originally presented in September 2021 as part of the Wienwoche Art Festival.
Directed, Curated by Chelsea Amada
Portrait shots by Ina Aydoğan
Art Direction by EYEOFBRC
Storytelling by Gerard Rabara